Our First Annual Walk to End Angiosarcoma

The rain couldn’t stop us! Our 1st annual walk was a success!

We started The Andrew C. DeMarco Foundation as a way to honor Andrew, his memory and his brave fight against cardiac angiosarcoma.

Yesterday, we were able to do that and so much more!

Our tried & true supporters, along with new ones, all came out despite the rain to help end the fight against angiosarcoma. And we know this is just the beginning!

Whether you were there to support Andrew, his family & friends, your loved one, our nonprofit or all of the above, we thank you so much for attending! 

And let’s not forget those who couldn’t make it in person, but walked virtually and/or donated, thank you for helping us achieve our mission!

We also want to thank:

Gregorio’s Pizzeria for supplying vouchers for a slice of pizza and small soda! Not only is the food fantastic, but the owner Greg went to high school with Andrew and it really means a lot to have the support of those who grew up with Andrew. 

Also, New12 Long Island for sponsoring our walk and promoting our fundraiser on their broadcast. It was pretty cool seeing Andrew on tv!

Having community support is truly what drives us and we would not be here today without it. Remember, when you donate to The Andrew C. DeMarco Foundation you are giving through us, not to us.

With your help we’re one step closer to our dream that one day all angiosarcoma patients will ring the bell.

We hope to see you again at our future fundraisers and we appreciate you all for helping  us finish Andrew’s fight. We are forever grateful.


Play Ball!


Angiosarcoma Zumba Fundraiser