Our Impact in 2023

As we look back on 2023, we want to thank you for being a supporter of The Andrew C. DeMarco Foundation and helping us make a difference in the fight against angiosarcoma!

Together, through your donations and our fundraisers, we raised $20,000 in 2023! Your generosity lets doctors and researchers work to discover new treatments for angiosarcoma, provides financial assistance to angiosarcoma patients and provides scholarships to Plainedge High School seniors who are going into the medical field.

Every dollar donated to research moves us one step closer to ending angiosarcoma!

We couldn’t do what we do without each and every one of you and we’re looking forward to what we can accomplish in the year ahead! Angiosarcoma isn’t slowing down, and neither are we!

Together we provide support.

Together we provide opportunity.

Together we provide hope.


Paint & Sip: Our first fundraiser of 2024!


Brews for Andrew Fundraiser 2023